Monday 20 January 2014

Phase 3: #PigeonWatch (Including Official Teaser)

Once we had a structure in place to provide a strong foundation on which to construct the game design, and once we had finalized Sustainable Tourism as the concept or the theme, we were ready to head to the final stages of developing the game. 
After brainstorming about different ideas for the actual game, we once again, were unanimous in selecting the idea that we now call Pigeon Watch. 

The Hero 
It started with the idea of having a hero, or a star of the game; something gamers could look forward to and easily associate with the game as the key element or figure. We chose a pigeon in particular because in most parts of the world they are considered a nuisance to monuments and cultural heritage sites and thus we wanted to turn it on it's head and use them as the protectors of these sites in our game. On a deeper level, this indicates that anyone can start to be conscientious citizens and tourists when it comes to protecting and preventing these sites from harm, even if we've been nonchalant or even added to the mess, previously. 
Research on pigeons showed that they have been used in the past in World War 2, as messengers, symbols of peace and so on, thus providing rich historical significance. 

The Pigeon also represents a rather quirky figure for our game. The whole concept is such that we take a serious and often drab topic and turn it into something light and fun, while still being able to get across the message.  As mentioned in my second blog post, once we had the structure of a monument-problem-sustainable tourism practice in place, we began developing our game levels. 

The Game 

Certain elements remain constant throughout the game such as; every game will consist of a monument under threat, tourists- their thoughts, positive or negative will be represented by symbols as a comic strip like thought bubble; the pigeon- it's weapon, a.k.a it's droppings; and something to help the player in each level, called old lady's boosting crumbs. 
The idea is for the gamer to control the pigeon to have it take away negative thoughts from the irresponsible tourists while preventing the positive thoughts, so that the negative thoughts don't spread to become a shared habit.  
All of these are connected to a points system, and the game will comprise of three levels in total, each with a different cultural heritage site, focusing on the threat specific to that area, thus striving to keep the player well informed and foster a sense of connectedness with regions other than their own. A 4th level will be included if it is detected that the player is in the same region as one of the sites in the game. 
The name Pigeon Watch, as the name suggests, is to imply that the pigeon, the protector and guardian of these monuments are watching your every move, ready to punish you if you cause any kind of harm to these sites.  
The Actual Design and Presentation 
Working on the actual game design was a lot of fun, and we as a team have strived to make it as creative and graphic as possible.  
My task was at first, to work on flash to try and animate some of the illustrations that are now present in the presentation. These animations illustrate the flight/movement of the pigeon and the tourists. 


After this was complete, the drawings made, and the presentation slides put together, it was time to create the final presentation. At this point we decided we wanted to add voice overs and have it run smooth to help make the process of understanding the game less tedious, and so we edited it in the form of a video.

Finally, as mentioned in the marketing strategy, we decided to make a teaser to promote #PigeonWatch, with the intention of it going viral. Here is a link to the teaser uploaded on Vimeo -

Thank you! :)

Further plans about the “Pigeon watch” game-project

The influence of game industry on young people perception is increasing day after day. Based on Interactive Digital Software Association research, playing games has become many consumers' most fun entertainment activity, over watching TV, going to movies, or reading books. According to Business Insights, the world video gaming industry increased 9% through 2013 and reached $76 billion. Around 30% of smartphone subscribers have installed one game or more, with close to 35% having installed at least five on their phones, information by Visiongain.
On-line gamers are described as the youngest group and have above-average education and income. They are top in novelty seeking, adventurous, and word-of-mouth communication. “PilotFish communication” decided to create their own online profile of our customers – future gamers of the “Pigeon watch” game.

As we mentioned before, to reach wide-spread downloading of “Pigeon watch”, the game would distribute for free. However, to achieve the high level of interaction with our customers we are going to create gaming community as well. It would be online venue that can host content, discussion and revenue-generating advertisement for fans who want another space to talk about the game, connect to other players and learn the newest tips and share their best ideas. Gamers can post their experiences in a provided blog on the site such as their best games ever and speak about the problems of World Heritage properties.
One of the convenient platforms for gaming community are wikis, sites, forums, blogs, and customization communities, they provide good solid infrastructure, including a simple and attractive user interface
It would take time for people to develop relationships, trust and common perspectives inside of gaming community. Additionally, we need volunteer moderators, and possibly some programmers and graphic designers. Moreover, apart from interaction with customers, gamming community would provide web traffic, gain high search engine rankings, would build powerful back links (great for SEO) as well as having the potential be picked up by other media.
We had some ideas for promotion our game globally, some of them still in the works, some of them were refused because of limited budget. For example, we wanted to have support from celebrities for each monument (Great China Wall  - Jackie Chan). We can say that some of the celebrities would be glad to join our promotion company, but we cannot say right now who of them would come.  Also, after getting World popularity, we are thinking about further development.  Gamers would send pictures of their not famous monuments and would explain what kind of problem these world heritage properties are facing. After on-line poll, some of the monuments will be used in creating new levels of the “Pigeon watch” game.
Here is the list of partners, who could become investors of the game. All of these organizations support the development of sustainable tourism at World Heritage properties. As a creative team we are going to negotiate with them the sponsorship question.

Also we have the understanding of our project coast and would hold this plan in the following.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Sell it now!

As was mentioned previously in my collegues’s blogs, the development of sustainable tourism at World Heritage properties would be reached by increasing awareness in order to protect the properties and their universal value. In accordance with the need of reaching a high level of understanding of the World Heritage issues, we are going to use the “Pigeon watch” game as “the warning message” for our target audience. By playing the game, young people from 16 to 25 would become committed to the principle of sustainable tourism and would learn how to save their local monuments and memorials in different countries. However, it is impossible to make “this message” heard by target audiences if the game is not user friendly and promotion and distribution processes are not carried out.  When the idea of the game was formed, our marketing team started to work on a digital marketing strategy. Our planning process follows the SOSTAC® model developed by PR Smith, Dave’s co-author on E-marketing Excellence.

We highlighted four key strategies for further actions.

REACH target audience. First of all, it is important to understand for whom we are going to create the game. Our target audience are young people from 16 to 25, who love fun, interaction, unconventional approaches and life news. Based on a study at the Jaume I University in Castellón three out of every four individuals within this age bracket use social networking sites more than the television to get up to date.

 Then, it was decided by all members of our team that the best platform for promotion of our game would be social media sites as the optimal place where young people spend most of their time. Considering the limited budget of the game project, the fact that the Internet is one of the cheapest media platforms, made it a more preferable promotion tool for us as well.
ACT achieve interaction. Based on game industry analysis, communities and social media provide significant springboards for interaction with our target audience. Many forms of interactions were produced:  sharing, reposts, retwits, reviews, mentions, blogshares. Additionally, we would always get feedback from our stakeholders which would be helpful for analysis and further game development. 
CONVERT to educate. Taking into account that most of the people play games just for fun, we have created a motion game where the gamer would have a short time in each level and would be indroduced to characters such as pigeons – protectors who are watching careless tourists and using their droppings as weapons against them. The chance “to poop” on  people’s heads makes the game entertaining and humorous for gamers. Meanwhile, by catching the gamers attention we will educate them and convert fun into knowledge. For example, when players would destroy tourist’s thoughts (key in the balloons), they would get an explanaton of why it is harmful to use cars and better to use public transport. The gamer would get information about the emssion situation in the Taj Mahal and would keep it in their mind.
ENGAGE through entertaiment. By reaching the maximum number of game players and enabling  them to become committed to the principle of sustainable tourism, we will create the base for World Heritage participatory culture. It is one of the most difficult and long-term strategies of our game-project. We hope that because of the game people would start to try to tackle the problems at the World Heritage and share with each other the same universal values.
After defining key strategies of the game-project we worked on marketplace analysis. The detailed target audience analysis was presented in Sukirti blogs and was mentioned in my previous blog as well. The competitors and partners scrutinized are based on the “Pigeon watch” game SWOT analysis.

The competitors analysis helps to identify  the uniqueness of the concept of “Pigeon watch” game.  Take for eхample, the very popular game “Angry birds” where the birds are also main characters and this game is defined as enjoyable by players. However, we can notice that in the “Pigeon watch” game the pigeons have the special heroic characteristics and carry out specific mission – to save world’s monuments. It means that in our game for the gamers it is easier to understand why they are playing this game and who are friends and who are enemies. Also, the most important features is the educational idea behined the story of pigeons fights against the careless tourists.
The partners analysis is nessessary tool for understanding who share the same universal values on the market. In next my blog I would present the first list of organisations which are presenting themselves as World Heritage careful.

All these analysises are helpful to achieve all the main goals of our project: increasing awareness World Heritage preservation program, reaching maximum number of the “Pigeon watch” game’s gamers and developing participatory culture among all stakeholders of World Heritage. These goals also would be reached by PR strategy which Sukirti and Ruta presented in their blogs. 

Phase 2: Structure

Phase 2: Structure 

Once we got past the initial research and bouncing around of ideas it was time to delve deeper and focus on the specifics and details of the game. We all found common ground in choosing Sustainable Tourism as our means to target the basis of the game. The idea of Sustainable Tourism in general will not only involve the user and educate them about what they can do to help preserve World Heritage Sites. We agreed unanimously, to focus on the preservation of cultural heritage. 
I was given the task of researching on Sustainable Tourism before we got started on developing the game. Here is the research: 
Sustainable Tourism 
Sustainable Tourismis about refocusing and reshaping. A balance must be found between limits and usage so that continuous changing, monitoring and planning of tourism can be managed. This requires thinking long-term.   
Economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development must include the interests of all the stakeholders including indegenious people, local communities, visitors and the Government.  
  • There are THREE major levels of Stakeholders in Sustainable Tourism. They are:  
  • Government  
  • NGO's  
  • Tourist  
  • Local Communities  
  • The key aspects that concern Sustainable Tourism, which we need to focus on are:  
  • Economic  
  • Cultural  
  • Environmental  
Third World Countries  
It is particularly important to focus on third world countries because, not only are there many beautiful locations and attractions that are situated within third world countries, they also rely greatly on tourism to boost their economy, especially through international tourism.  
Problems with Sustainable Tourism in Third World Countries  
The people to get affected the most and directly by tourism are the LOCALS.  
Displacement and Resettlement is a major setback caused by tourism. An example of this is the Masai Tribe of Tanzania since masai villages are increasingly becoming popular tourist spots, with some even turned into hotels.  
Coastal Pressures are another common problem cause by tourism. Beaches all over the world are more than simply popular destinations. The problem arises because coastal areas are usually limited to one narrow strip that has to bear the burden of an increasing population of tourists. Eg= Western India.  
Important Facts  
Here are some important facts that will help when with our game concept and design.  
  • 70% of marine animals are threatened  
  • 58% of the worlds coral reefs are at risk  
  • Sea water is expected to rise 70 cms in 10 years  
  • By 2050 climate change can cause extinction of 30% of species, death of 90% of coral reefs and the loss of half the Amazon Rainforest.  
  • Half of the worlds population lives in urban areas. In Latin America and the Carribbean, 76% live in Urban areas.  
  • 10% of the worlds coral reefs are situated in the Carribbean.  
These facts are key in helping us as they give us a fair idea of the geographical and environmental conditions at present, that could help when we decide the setting and levels and tasks for our game.  
Sustainable Tourism Practices  
a) Using local communities to operate and develop tourism activities and businesses is the most beneficial.  
  • Community Based Sustainable Tourism (CBST) includes the participation of locals at management levels.  
  • Local knowledge of the area is one of the main reasons for including locals in the planning and development.   
  • Since communities depend on tourism for their livlihood they are more likely to take care of those tourist sites.  
  • More importantly, environmentally sustainable development depends on local support.  
b) Involving grassroot organizations can prove to be of great economic value, as well as protect these cultrally rich sites as, by doing so, both parties get their economic benefits , and inturn the grassroot organizations who understand the local site better can help in maininting sustainable practices of Tourism.  
  • This can be done through partnerships between the Government and tourism agencies, and the local or small communities as well organizations.  
c) Determining the Carrying Capacity of that destination before hand is important in order to understand how many tourists or people the area can tolerate without damaging the culture or the environment.  
d) It is important to acknowledge the benefits of low-budget travel or backpacking toursim in empowering the economic sustainablity of the local cultural community and thus enhancing the economic sustainability at large because these individuals tend to mass transport, cycles etc as opposed to planes and cars which can cause adverse environmental effects. Thebuy everything that is locally produced and depend on and interact with local communities greatly. Most importantly, this kind of travellor is usually one who is educated and has very high regard for cultural heritage as he/she is eager to explore and learn.  
Desinations that are voted the best for Sustainable Tourism  
  • Bonito, Brazil  
  • St Kilda, Scottland  
  • Cape Town, South Africa  
Types of Tourists  
Hard-core tourists join tours or groups travelling specifically for educational purposes and/or to take part in environmental or cultural projects, such as wildlife monitoring.   
Dedicated tourists want to visit protected or cultural areas and understand local natural and cultural history.   
Casual tourists consider natural and cultural travel as an incidental component of a broader trip.   
 hard-class experienceis one in which the tourist goes on a trip that is physically difficult with an element of danger. For example, it may require walking miles into the back country, climbing a technically difficult mountain, or sleeping in rudimentary shelters.   
soft-class experience means the tourist prefers lower risk and more luxurious accommodations. For example, a tented safari may involve physically challenging conditions while offering amenities such as gourmet meals and comfortable transport.   
World Heritage Sites- Managing Tourism  
a) WHS can include Site Managers, someone who is a part of a local NGO perhaps, to monitor tourists at the site and ensure no damage is being done. He should be appointed with the knowledge of a higher authority so that he may have the power to inflict fines upon anyone who causes any kind of harm to that site.  
b) Collaborations between National Tourism Offices (NTO- that is Government Funded) with Hotels, air-carriers, tourism agencies and so on, so that they may easily put in places practices for Sustainable Tourism.  
c) Encouraging Indivial travellors or backpackers over groups by offering incentives.  
d) Specialty Tourism is a field in which companies organizes very specific tours for their clients in the field of bird watching, trekking, sight seeing, visiting archeological sites. What is key here is that they usually bring them on as field volunteers to help out at these sites, which is perhaps the best way of practising Sustainable Tourism.  
Once we had our research come in, and the various existing problems in different WH sites, we came up with a model to help us create a game design, complete with levels. The basic model is this- 
Sustainable Tourism Practice 
egTaj Mahal 
Using public transport instead of Vehicles 

This model made it easy when trying to develop the levels of the game.  
Next, we divided research work amongst ourselves to maintain the efficiency with which we had been working. While some were in charge of the marketing strategy for instance, Vicky and I focused on research on 2D graphics, and why we wish to opt for it. Here is why we as a team have decided on 2D graphics. 

Justification for Choosing 2D 

SimplicityFirst and foremost, simplicity is the core influencing factor for choosing 2D, especially in keeping with the advice that simple is good in our case. Even those who are not very comfortable with technology will have no problem playing 2D games. Many grandparents too have been known to play 2D games on their phone which further vouches for the reach (potential and existing), of 2D games. 
Strong MarketInspite of the latest 3D advancements, the very fact that every gaming blog stresses that newer needn't be better, and just because 3D is more sophisticated technologically doesn't mean its better than 2D, itself goes to show that 2D still has a strong market out there. 
Game dynamics2D makes it very easy to understand the dynamics of the game without much complication, and therefore doesn’t require elaborate tutorials, simple instructions will suffice. 
Layout- 2D games have an 'all-encompassing' layout. This means that it allows for a simple but clear view of where things are located, where enemies are positioned, which not only builds on the excitement of trying to escape, one blogger and avid gamer even mentioned that with 2D games, dying was more exciting and less disappointing than with 3D games, because you know exactly whats happening around you. 
Finance- It goes without saying that funding the development of 2D games is far less than for 3D games. If 2D games still have a strong market out there and in terms of simplicity it's reach is great then lesser money spent is an added benefit.  
Gamer observation - One gamer decided to put to test whether 2D or 3D is better by playing both versions of the popular game 'Call of Duty'. When doing so his statistics showed far better and consistent results when playing 2D, whereas while playing 3D it showed a steep drop in his results, thus showing that 2D games are easier to control and understand. He also said that 3D games can be a bit disorienting and often don’t provide a clear spacial understanding in spite of it's realistic look and feel. 3D can be frustrating as gamers eventually want to scale the ranks and levels faster. 
User thought process and efficiency- 2D tends to focus on discovery of patterns trends, clusters, outlines, gaps, whereas 3D focus so much on vision impression and providing a life like feel that it tends to miss out on the basics of layout and user thought process and what makes it easy to understand, control and get afeel of the game and the layout. 

We have decided that we wish for our game to be accessible across multiple platforms and we strive to attract a vast variety of gamers.